Welcome to St. John's
When visiting St. John's you are welcome to park in the parking lot located north of the church off M Street. The entrance that faces the parking lot has no steps and will allow you to enter the church or the parish hall with ease.
Additional parking (especially on Sundays), is available by parking diagonally along M Street on the west side of the church. You are welcome to enter St. John's by going up the steps and through the red doors on the west side of the church. Coat racks are available at either entrance.
We are happy to have you visit and join us for services on Sunday at 10am or for any of our special events throughout the year.
If visiting St John's for Sunday services, upon your arrival you will be greeted by an usher who will provide you with a printed bulletin that will be used throughout the service. You will then be seated in one of the pews. You may notice that in the pew backs we have a couple different books, The Hymnal of 1982 and the Book of Common Prayer.
Our services follow the guidelines in the Episcopal Church's 1979 Book of Common Prayer. Specifically our Sunday 10am services typically follow the Contemporary Service (Rite II). The bulletin is created from the Book of Common prayer but in most cases, you will not need to reference the red Book of Common Prayer. The bulletin will provide hymn numbers that will be used in the blue Hymnal of 1982 throughout the service.
Order of Service
Our bulletins (located at the back of the church) provide guidance for navigating through the worship. Throughout our service we stand to sing or chant a psalm, kneel or sit to pray -- please do what feels comfortable for you and your abilities. Our worship includes:
Hymns: We sing a variety of hymns from the blue books located in pew backs.
Praying: We welcome you to pray with us whether that is standing, sitting, or kneeling.
Bible readings: We read three excerpts of scripture at each service. For convenience, the readings are a printed leaflet in the bulletin to assist you with following along.
Eucharist: The Holy Eucharist also known as Lord's Supper, Holy Communion, Mass, or the Great Offering. Outwardly this is seen as the bread and wine. Spiritually this is the Body and Blood of Christ given to his people, and received by faith. All baptized persons are welcome to participate. You can take both the bread and the wine or only one. In addition, you are welcome to come to the rail for a blessing (cross your arms across your chest if this is the case).
Coffee Hour will be held following the worship in the Parish Hall. You are welcome to join us as we enjoy good food and fellowship.